Beirut investigation faces yet another set back ?

Justice minister and care taker Marie Claude Najm appointed Judge Tareq Bitar, president of Beirut Criminal Court as lead investigator into the port explosion.
The judge was approved by the Higher Judicial Council, composed of 10 members: 8 appointed by the executive power and 2 chosen by the Court of Cassation. The investigation starts all over again.

Fadi Sawwan was taken off the case after he charged former ministers Ali Hassan Khalil and Ghazi Zeaitar with criminal negligence over the explosion. They requested that the Court of Cassation transferred the case to another judge, challenging Sawwan’s summons and told the court they had « legitimate suspicion ».

After the move was made official, no further justification was given by the Court of Cassation Chamber, or judge Sawwan. Who is Fadi Sawwan ?
Known for his long career in the military court and his expertise concerning terrorism, he was appointed as the first interim investigating judge after multiple back and fourths between the ex minister of justice and the Higher Judicial Council. He represents a threat to the gouvernment's political immunity as he is adamant on prosecuting those responsible for the 4th of august.

A symbolical move ?

Delaying accountability for the fourth of august, this decision incriminates the political elite further and now the judiciary system. Nonetheless, this seems very telling in how the country’s political elite refuses to be held accountable and is able to avoid vital justice to be served. The case is kept shrouded in secrecy, preventing any social implication whatsoever.

This comes as an ultimate proof of disdain towards the victims’ families and the people of Lebanon, most of whom had placed their last hope of justice into Sawwan’s hands. A heart wrenching gathering took place in front of the capital’s Justice court this Thursday afternoon for them to express their anger and despair.

What is necessary to move forward ?

Having an international court conduct an independent and transparent investigation. Holding the corrupt political class accountable for this crime and for their effort in delaying the investigation is key.


A dysfunctional political system and its actors