A nonexistent legislative system: a country where money makes the law

Fighting corruption implies bringing to trial the political class who took advantage of the weak legislative system. And to our dismay, we notice that the laws have precise conditions that purposely make it hopeless for the law itself to convict anyone.

What specific laws are we talking about?

The law on illicit enrichment: amended in 1999, it illegalizes funds acquired by illicit means. However, it is written in the 10th article that the complainant should be able to assure a bank guarantee of 25 million lebanese pounds (17000 USD). If found dishonest, he shall be liable to a fine of 200 million lebanese pounds (132000 USD) and a three months imprisonment.

Who would dare?

Furthermore, this law can only be applied to politicians and cannot reach the private sector in any way; unless there was some kind of partnership between the private and the public sectors.


A dysfunctional political system and its actors


The state of emergency in Beirut